Sunday Night at the Clover (2024), 16x24
Escapist (2024), 24x16
Ninja (2024), 24x36 inches
The Commuter (2023)
Here's to the Bride (2024), 16x24
A Gig's a Gig (2023), 24x16
Best Bar in Town (2024) 16x24 inches
The Houseguest (2021), 24x36 inches
Fire Escapist (2020), 36x24 inches
The Great American Novel
Monday (2023), 16x24 inches
Hair of the Dog (2023), 16x24 inches
A Good Book (2023), 20x20 inches
Coincidence? (2022), 16x24 inches
Rovers (2023), 16x24 inches
Pie Man (2023), 24x16 inches
Strangers on a Subway (2022), 36x24 inches
The Fugitive (2023), 45x30 inches
December (2022)
Urban Camouflage
The House-hunter (2022), 24x36 inches
Cold Case (2024), 16x24 inches
The Harts
Light in the Darkness
Jet Set (2018), 24x26 inches
Wrong Stop (2020), 36x24 inches
Just Right (2021), 24x36 inches
Thanksgiving Day (2019)
The Californian (2023), 24x16 inches
Happy Hour 4-6 (2024), 16x24 inches
Best in Show? (2020), 24x36 inches
Greenery (2019), 45x30 inches
Upper Park Avenue (2025), 20x30 inches
Bird, Dog (2019), 28x24 inches
Sweet Land of Liberty (2023), 16x24 inches
Steve (2025). 16x24 inches
Writing is Fun!! (2025), 20x30 inches